Anne Whitehead

Anne Whitehead

Award-winning author and screenwriter

Anne Whitehead

Award-winning author and screenwriter

Anne Whitehead, author and screenwriter, was born in Sydney but spent much of her childhood in England and Papua-New Guinea.  Because of a peripatetic engineer father, she was educated at eleven schools, including in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire villages, the PNG highland goldfields and coastal town of Lae, and boarding schools in Sydney and Queensland.

Current Projects

Currently, Anne is writing a memoir about growing up in New Guinea (before it was PNG), and also developing treatments for two television series for streaming: one about the Australian colonists in Paraguay in the 1890s; the other, from an original collaboration with the late Eleanor Witcombe (of My Brilliant Career film success and others) is a saga, set in both the Veneto region of Italy and the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area of NSW, about an Italian wine-growing family, their loves, trials and heroism, tragedies and great rewards.

Anne’s first two books – Paradise Mislaid and Bluestocking in Patagonia – have been honoured by being selected for Untapped: the Australian Literary Heritage Project.

They are among 150 books including many award-winners, judged by the project to be of national significance and lasting cultural importance. They have been given renewed life as ebooks by Ligature Publishing, to be borrowed from local libraries or purchased as digital copies from major online platforms. These books will live on. In addition, in 2022, each book in the Untapped collection was brought back into print with newly designed covers. All for sale through Booktopia.

Anne’s third book Betsy and the Emperor; The true story of Napoleon, a pretty girl, a Regency rake and an Australian colonial misadventure – was published by Allen & Unwin in 2015, available in print and digital versions.
It was published in the UK 2015, as The Emperor’s Shadow: Bonaparte, Betsy and the Balcombes of St Helena. (hb and pb)

Published Books

Paradise Mislaid

In 1893 a brave band of ordinary Australians sailed out through Sydney Heads, to found a socialist Utopia in South America. Under the charismatic and autocratic leadership …

Bluestocking in Patagonia

A century ago, in a bizarre social experiment, a band of over 500 Australians – mostly men and just three single women – sailed out to found a socialist Utopia in Paraguay. One of them was…

Betsy and the Emperor

Anne was awarded an Australia Council Literature Board Fellowship for this book about Napoleon and an English family – William Balcombe and his two attractive daughters …

Anne is a member of the

Australian Society of Authors

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